How To Get More Anti-Aging Benefits From Fasting

How to Get More Anti-Aging Benefits from Fasting

Fasting to improve longevity and look younger is a thing. And if you’re over the age of 40, it’s one of the most important things you could be doing for your health. There are tons of mechanisms that occur when you fast. A few are key to slowing down aging. It all has to do with cell senescence as the anti-aging benefits from fasting . I’ll explain…

anti-aging benefits from fasting

Senescent Cells

As you get older, your cells become much more dysfunctional. Essentially, they lose the ability to do what they’re supposed to do. If you have all of these dysfunctional cells, you wouldn’t want them to divide and create more cells, right? That means you’d have a damaged cell procreating with damaged DNA to create even more damaged cells.

Enter cell senescence. Cell senescence is when cells are still able to maintain their normal functions, but they can’t divide and create more cells. As you age, your body has an increased ability to produce more of these senescent cells. They’re still good at what they do. They just won’t divide. Even if they do become dysfunctional, they won’t create more issues.

How Fasting Affects Cell Senescence

The problem with these senescent cells is they’re also inflammation devils. They’re like a caged lion, getting all angry, becoming inflamed, and leaking inflammation throughout the body. This is NOT a good thing, especially as you age. More inflammation triggers more pain, brain fog, and all sorts of other issues.

When you eat food (especially proteins and carbs), mTOR gets spiked and affects this whole senescence process. When you fast, mTOR is inhibited, and cells are being recycled and cleaned up. Not only are you recycling cells, but you’re also reducing the inflammation that would come from senescent cells. A study from 2015 showed that when mTOR is inhibited through fasting, you block the inflammation that would be secreted by the senescent cell (source).

So fasting is literally the solution here. You promote healthy senescent cell function while also reducing inflammation. If you’re over the age of 40, fasting is crucial to maintain youthful, high-functioning cells that will keep you free from pain, low energy, and all the other pitfalls that come with age.

Preventing Harmful Cell Accumulation

Okay, one big caveat to all of this fasting stuff: Yes, fasting WILL reduce inflammation and keep cell senescence in check. But no matter what, you’re going to have a buildup of senescent cells. You’re going to get more dysfunctional cells with aging, and there will be less room for younger cells to divide and grow. Your body’s natural mechanisms to eliminate these cells will become less effective as well.

If this didn’t happen, everyone would look young and beautiful into their 70’s. To reduce this accumulation of broken cells, senolytics have shown to be extremely promising. Senolytics are small molecules that kill off senescent cells, allowing for younger cells to grow and thrive, keeping you free from the traps of old age like pain, brain fog, and low energy.

Combining Fasting with Senolytics

Do a quick google search, and you’ll find dozens of senolytic supplements out on the market. The best source of senolytics you’ll find is the Qualia Senolytic. USE CODE “TDSENO” for 15% off any product. It’s unique because it’s not just a single ingredient formula. They’ve taken a multi-pronged approach to give the body its best chance to eliminate senescent cells, so it’s packed with 9 ingredients that have senolytic properties, like fisetin and piperlongumine.

But here’s the big secret: With Qualia’s Senolytic, dosage is the key. This isn’t something you take daily. You only take it for two days every month. This gives your body everything it needs to eliminate senescent cells. It takes a few weeks for more to accumulate, right in time for you to take it again the next month. Use code TDSENO at checkout for 15% off.

Final Thoughts

If you’re looking to really level things up, if you want a serious protocol to slow down aging, here’s what I recommend looking into: Fasting helps recycle cells and reduces inflammation. Senolytics eliminate harmful senescent cells and allow younger cells to grow… Why not try both? Why not start fasting once per week or adopt a certain split like 18/6 or 16/8, and take a senolytic as well? The results could be astonishing.

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